Ahmadiyya community promotes positive image of its Muslim women
May 4
Known for its reform-oriented approach, the Ahmadyyia community of Berlin has initiated a campaign to counter negative prejudices against the image of Muslim women. The community declares its distance from parallel societies; it prefers education of its Imams in Germany and promotes education for women. The Ahmadiyya community, which is said to have 220 adherents in Berlin, has financed posters in the city public transport; advertising for respect towards women and against religious force. Also, there will be a public event titled “Woman in Islam” on May 9th.
In recent years, citizen initiatives had rallied against the construction of the Ahmadiyya mosque in the East Berlin district of Pankow. The clergyman of the Khadjia-mosque Imam Abdul Basit Tariq, denied this image campaign to be a reaction to the Koran distributions of the Salafists. Ahmadiyya adherents try to improve the image of Islam and promote a reform-oriented and pro-integrative approach. In countries such as Pakistan, they have been victims of violent Islamic fundamentalists.
About 210.000 Muslims live in Berlin with 90% being Sunni Muslims. Most of the Muslims come from Turkey. There are 80 mosques in Berlin, five of them with a cupola and minaret. Most of the mosques are situated in the districts of Neukölln and Kreuzberg.