UK Muslims concerned about an upsurge in Islamphobia after conviction of a gang over child sex trafficking
12 May 2012
This week eight men were convicted at Liverpool Crown Court for their involvement in the exploitation of underage girls in Rochdale, Greater Manchester. The members of the gang, who are of Pakistani origin, recruited vulnerable teenage girls as young as 13 years old to force into prostitution. Inevitably the event shocked the British public and the conviction of the gang members led the public to question why the society failed to protect these vulnerable teenagers.
Far-right groups such as British National Party (BNP) and English Defence League (EDL) took the opportunity to demonize the entire Muslims community for the crime. Muslim groups warned of an increase in hate attacks and abuse against Muslims across the UK.
Also, some of the Catholic media joined the far-right in their demonization campaign of Muslims and called on the media to blame the Muslim community for the crime.