Extremism check-list in Lower Saxony

June 17 A new initiative of the Ministry of Interior of Lower Saxony raised concern among German Muslim associations. The Bremen and Lower Saxony branches of the Muslim associations Ditib and the Shura of Lower Saxony cancelled a scheduled meeting for Monday with the local Ministry of Interior Uwe Schünemann (CDU). The reason for such

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Inter-religious Research Training Group

June 18 Four German academic institutions joined forces and established a post-graduate programme, called “Theology as a science: historical and systemic analysis of the formation processes of self-reflection in faith traditions”. The institutions involved are the Universities of Frankfurt and Mainz, the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt and the College

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The Mayor of Badalona forbids Muslims to pray in the street

19 July 2012 The Mayor of Badalona, Xavier García Albiol reminded today the Muslim community in the neighborhoods of Artigas and Sant Roc, before the first morning of Ramadan, that they may not use the street to pray. Albiol said in a statement that the Muslim community “should have found a solution to stop praying

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Muslims ask for flexibility, not privileges to fulfill the Ramadan at their workplace

20 July 12 Muslim workers living in Spain are gradually getting understanding from their employers to meet the month of Ramadan obligations, during the working day. So they are asking for “flexibility, not privileges,” according to the president of the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain, Riay Tatary. “This year it will be very hard,

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Bigotry against Muslims in the British Media

22 Juyl 2012 A group of five men in Derby who preyed on fifteen girls aged 13 to 15, many of them in care and sexually exploited them were convicted for their crimes last week. The case is very similar to the Rochdale case wherein an ‘Asian sex gang’ abused underage girls and caused great

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