Canada Muslims Fight Violence Against Women
On Islam – November 28, 2012
In a new effort to fight domestic violence in their country, Canadian Muslims are championing a new campaign to end violence against women.
The campaign, Muslims for White Ribbon Campaign, aims to end violence against women in the country. It is being launched with the unveiling of the campaign website (www.MuslimsforWhiteRibbon.com) and with imams and Muslim leaders committing to joinwith others to work to end violence against women.
The campaign runs from November 25, which marks the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and culminates in White Ribbon Days at the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Conference at the Metro Toronto Convention Center on December 21-23. It also aims to promote healthy relationships through education and create partnerships among mosques, women’s organizations, and social agencies to create a future without violence against women.
This is not the first time Canadian Muslims join campaigns to fight domestic violence in the country. In January, Canadian Muslims joined the White Ribbon Campaign to fight domestic violence in their nation.