Spanish Jihadists in Syria
January 15, 2014
A total of 17 jihadists, most of them residents in Ceuta, have traveled from Spain to Syria to fight in the ongoing civil war has revealed the Real Instituto Elcano. For this reason, the Spanish National Intelligence Center (CNI) has been in contact with representatives of the Syrian regime of Bashar Al Assad to request information on these citizens who have moved to Syria to fight the war, given the risk that they may return to their country and turn into a threat.
La Informacion War (In Spanish): http://noticias.lainformacion.com/mundo/el-cni-espanol-pide-al-regimen-de-al-assad-datos-de-yihadistas-de-ceuta-en-siria_dRMtha1s0YxCoPtMesTV37/