Ramadan 2015 Debate: How long should Muslims fast?

As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan approaches, and British Muslims prepare for four weeks of fasting during day

Muslims at the East London Mosque break their fast after a long day of no food or water.
Muslims at the East London Mosque break their fast after a long day of no food or water.

light hours, a perennial debate on changing the Ramadan observance times in northern regions has sprung up again.

Dr Usama Haswan, an Islamic researcher from anti-extremism group Quilliam, has said that it would make more sense for Muslims in the UK to follow Mecca timings, as daylight lasts much longer this far north than it does in the Middle East

Dr Hasan said that Islamic law is about balance, and reducing the fasting hours to something more reasonable is more sensible. However, things get worse the further north you go. In Aberdeen, more than 500 miles north of London, daylight will last for around 18 hours during Ramadan. But even with a lengthy fast for British Muslims, the vast majority are adamant that they will observe it, no matter how difficult it is.

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