Close Call for MEPS: Europe Strongly Condemns Attacks

European officials strongly condemned the attacks in Mumbai. Three members of European Parliament were among those trapped in the Taj Mahal hotel. They escaped unscathed, but will return to Brussels with harrowing memories. On Thursday morning, officials from the European Union and its member states strongly condemned the terror attacks in Mumbai. “Terrorism is never…

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Moroccan Foreign Minister: Dutch Moroccans should integrate

Morocco’s Foreign Minister Taleb Fsi Fihri told his Dutch counterpart – Maxime Verhagen – that Rabat does not want to stand in the way of the integration of Moroccans living in the Netherlands. Fihri said that Rabat wants to help the Moroccan integration into Dutch society, and call on called Moroccans living in the Netherlands…

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Politician rejects exchanging Christian for Muslim holidays

State Secretary of Social Affairs and Rotterdam mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb has said that he thinks it is “absurd” to propose that Christian holidays of Easter Monday and Pentecost Monday ought to be replaced with Muslim holidays. Aboutaleb added that such Christian holidays have been embedded in the Dutch calendar, and cannot be touched. He does,…

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Canadian Islamic Congress President: “We’ve been victimized”

Mohamed Elmasry, a professor of microchip design and national president of the Canadian Islamic Congress, takes issue with the treatment of Islam in Canada’s weekly news magazine publication, Maclean’s Magazine. After considering how to best respond, whether with a criminal complaint or a civil case, Elmasry and the CIC decided on a quasi-judicial compromise by…

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US Muslim leaders denounce al-Qaeda’s slur toward Obama

Spiritual leaders of a New York Muslim community lashed out against purported al-Qaeda message attacking President-elect Barack Obama, using racist language, and comparing him unfavorably to the late Malcolm X. The imams at a Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial, Educational, and Cultural Center issued a statement saying: “We find it insulting when anyone…

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