Home Secretary talks to youth at Luton’s Central Mosque

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith visited Luton’s Central Mosque on Monday meeting young Muslims whom she said were playing an integral part in the fight extremism. “They were proud to be Muslims and proud to be British,” she said. Her visit to Luton came in the wake of a fatal stabbing of a young man in…

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Muslims to be offered shari’a-compliant pensions by government

The plan to provide retirement funds for millions who do not already have a company pension is likely to include a special option that would not invest in companies deemed sinful under Islam. Ministers are keen to get Muslims saving with the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority, as many who have low-paid jobs or who have…

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Brussels Muslims Establish ‘No-Go’ Areas

Several neighborhoods in Brussels have made certain areas “no go zones” for police officers. These areas are places that cannot be patrolled by police without being pelted by rocks, attacked, or having their police vehicles damaged. These neighborhoods contain a mostly immigrant origin, Muslim population, and police report that the such instances are mostly carried…

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Al-Qaeda No. 2 insults Obama with racial epithet

In a message purportedly from Al-Qaeda’s No.2 Ayman al-Zawahiri, the speaker criticized president-elect Barack Obama’s foreign policy positions on Afghanistan and Israel, and condemned his worldview. Al-Zawahiri also stated that the president-elect has “a heavy legacy of failure and crimes awaits” him. The message also made reference to Obama’s heritage, condemning the fact that while…

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