In Portgual, Sheikh David Munir declarations against Paris Terror

“We are shocked because we did not expect it to happen and these people (we do not know who they are, but if they are Muslims it worries us even more) are tarnishing the image of Islam,” said Sheikh David Munir. The Imam of the Lisbon Mosque criticized these “barbaric acts of cruelty”, which are

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Council of Moroccan Mosques in the Netherlands and Cooperation of Dutch Moroccans condemn Paris attacks

The Council of Moroccan mosques in the Netherlands (RMMN) has condemned the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, calling it a horrible and barbaric violation of journalists, freedom of speech and freedom of  religion. They further say to keep striving against hatred, terrorism and extremism, side by side with the proponents of democracy and the rule of

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Deadly attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris

Three masked assailants attacked the headquarters of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo killing 12 people in a hail of gunfire and fleeing by car as they battled with police in the streets. Four victims remain in critical condition. Police have identified two of the suspects, brothers Said and Cherif Kauachi and are currently working to

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British Muslim Organizations Condemn Charlie Habdo Terror [Collected Press Releases]

Muslim Council of Britain Paris Murders are a Greater Insult to Islam: The Muslim Council of Britain reiterated its condemnation of the barbarous murder of journalists at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.  The attack has been condemned by Muslims in France, in Europe and around the world. In France,  the French Muslim Council (CFCM) has

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Muslims in Spain condemn the extremist assassinations

“We are shocked and awed by the cruel slaughter perpetrated by terrorists in the headquarters of the satirical weekly journal, Charlie Hebdo in Paris, a heartless criminal action, with total disregard for human life that deserves our strongest condemnation and conviction. From the Union of Islamic Communities in Spain and the Islamic Commission of Spain,

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