Police: Anti-Muslim bigot beat Sikh cab driver

A Federal Way man accused of viciously beating a Sikh cab driver while shouting anti-Muslim slurs now faces a hate crime charge. King County prosecutors contend Jamie W. Larson attacked the cab driver during an Oct. 17 ride after commenting on the man’s turban.  According to charging documents, Larson, 48, tore out chunks of the man’s

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Cain’s lapse into Islamophobic bigotry, again

In an interview with GQ, Herman Cain goes back to an early theme of his campaign: suggesting American Muslims pose a creeping threat to society. From the transcript: Devin Gordon: Do you think that there is a greater tendency among the Muslim faith for that kind of extremism? Herman Cain: That would be a judgment

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Violent Assault on Muslim terror suspect: Police officers found not guilty

03.06.2011, 04.06.2011 Four police officers facing trial on charges of violently assaulting Babar Ahmad, a British Muslim terror suspect (see news coverage 05.05.2011), were cleared of any wrongdoing by a London Court on Friday. The officers were accused of beating up Ahmad and mocking his religion while arresting him in December 2003. Before the arrest,

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Qaradawi to Norway

28 April 2011 Norwegian media reports that Yusuf al-Qaradawi is coming to Norway. He and his team are to settle on prayer times for Muslims living in the most northern hemisphere where the sun doesn’t set during summer time and never rises during parts of the winter. The knowledge of the starting and ending times

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Islam Channel breaks British broadcast rules, regulator says

8 November 2010 Britain’s Islam Channel broke broadcasting regulations by condoning marital rape, encouraging violence against women, and promoting an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas line, the country’s broadcast regulator Ofcom ruled Monday. One violation came during an advice program in which a female caller asked if a woman could hit her husband back if he was beating

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