The Grand Mosque of Paris brings suit against « Charlie Hebdo »

Can the French justice system guarantee the “defense of the dignity of the Muslim religion”? The president of the French Council for the Muslim Religion (CFCM) thinks so. The CFCM president is Dalil Boubakeur, who is also rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris. One illustration, he says, is the court case which begins Wednesday,

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French Muslim Council: Muslims Don’t Want To Be Lumped Together With Fanatics

PARIS – Dalil Boubakeur, president of the French Muslim Council, said that Muslims refuse to continue to be lumped together “with extremists, with fanatics, or with terrorists”. Boubakeur and Abdekkader Bouazza, president of one of the eight regional federations that comprise the Council, delivered a strong statement in support of a modern, tolerant, liberal, republican,

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Le Cfcm Échoue À Résoudre Sa Crise Interne

The Muslim Council has so far failed to resolve its internal crisis over representation. The dispute centers around the representation given to the FNMF (National Federation of French Muslims) which tends to be associated with Moroccans. Currently no solution is available, and Council functions are being delayed, but officialy think it should be resolved soon.

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Muslim, French – And Proud To Be Both

PARIS He was born in Algeria, heads the main mosque of Paris and is the most prominent Muslim in a predominantly Catholic country. But Dalil Boubakeur, president of France’s officially sanctioned Muslim Council, can sound Frencher than the French. “I am not in favor of multiculturalism,” Boubakeur, 65, said recently at his ornate office at

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The President Of The French Council Of Islamic Faith Is Preparing A Dissident Structure.

The French Council of the Islamic Faith (CFCM) is taking water on all sides. Its president, Dalil Boubakeur, is starting the creation of a separate structure, which would be baptized Conf_d_ration of the Moslems of France. In addition to the Mosque of Paris, where Boubakeur is the vice-chancellor, a nebula of associations could would form

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