Boubakeur Proposes a Moratorium on French Law Separating Church and State

The leader of the Paris Mosque, Dalil Boubakeur, has proposed a moratorium on the French 1905 law separating Church and State, citing the insufficient number of mosques being built in France. Questioned by French newspaper Le Monde, Mr. Boubakeur set forth a moratorium of 10-20 years on the law, which forbids the public funding of

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Bilateral Debates on Religion To Be Held

For the very first time, the Minister of the Interior, in charge of the religious issues, Mich_le Alliot-Marie, met today with representatives of Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Jewish faiths. Before entering debate on each religions’ specific concerns, she wanted to expressed her attachment to the principles of la_cit_ and emphasized the role of religion and

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Strasbourg Lays The First Stone Of Its Large Mosque

By Thomas Calinon It is perhaps the end of an old alarm. After two decades of reflection, including four years of impassioned debates, the first stone of the large mosque of Strasbourg was placed Friday, during Ramadan, in muddy ground near the downtown area. “It is time!” said the mayor of Strasbourg, Fabienne Keller, as

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