Bishops’ Conference Wants to Strengthen Dialogue with Islam

24.08.2011 The German Bishops’ Conference and Pope Benedikt XVI are determined to strengthen their dialogue with Islam and collaborate to fight injustice, violence, and intolerance. According to the head of the Bishops’ Conference, Robert Zollitsch, this intention aligns itself with many Muslims’ and Christians’ desire for fair social conditions, more individual rights, and genuine democracy.

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Arrest of Two German (Salafi) Muslims Disturbs Inter-Cultural Dialogue and Integration

02.08.2011 In Solingen, the beginning of Ramadan is clouded by the news that the two German Muslims, who were recently arrested on terror charges at the port of Dover (as reported), were originally from Solingen and members of a regional group of Salafis. Solingen’s Muslim communities distanced themselves from any radical Islamic tendencies and, instead,…

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Christian-Muslim Dialogue

19.05.2011 14 representatives of various Muslim and Christian communities have initiated a dialogue platform in Villingen. Their first meeting last week was the kick-off to a more concrete inter-religious dialogue between these groups. They discussed their community structures, services and prayer times as well as leisure activities for old and young people, offered by both…

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The ‘Islamic-Christian Day’: A Good Chance to Set up a Dialogue

October 28, 2010 The anniversary of the day for the dialogue between Christians and Muslims (it was introduced by Pope Jhon Paul II in 1986) has been celebrated the 27th of October in the Chamber of Deputies. The aim of the event is to build trust and mutual understanding among people, religious and non religious….

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“A Week of Dialogue” At Mosques, Inviting Non-Muslims Inside to Ease Hostility Toward Islam

This week, hundreds of mosques and Islamic organizations across the country have been encouraging their members to invite non-Muslims to attend prayers, discussions and tours of Islamic centers as a way to defuse hostility toward the Muslim population. “A Week of Dialogue,” materialized from a summit of Islamic leaders last month in New York and…

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