Islamo-leftism versus Islamophobia : The ideological polarization of French Academia

After the attacks on “Islamo-leftism” in French University , comes the fight against Islamophobic scholars. On March 4 2021, two professors of the Political Science Institute of Grenoble were targeted by accusations of “Islamophobia” and “fascism” . The professors’ names were anonymously posted at the main entrance of the Institute with the slogans “fascists are

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“Islamo-leftism”, Culture War and Academic Freedom: It’s All about Islam

On February the 14th, Frédérique Vidal, the French Minister for Higher Education made controversial declarations on “Islamo-leftism” – Islamo-gauchisme – and its negative influence on Universities during a TV interview. She even stated that French University (including academics and some students organisations) could deliberately promote it. A few days later, during a debate in the Assemblée Nationale, Vidal

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Imams in Lyon reject Macron’s Charter of Republican Values: Local Resistances to the “French State Islam”

Emmanuel Macron initiatives aiming at better control French Islam face significant resistance. This article focuses on one local case in Lyon, and gives an overview of the ongoing critiques of the project.  Two Imams and associative leaders from Rhône-Alpes – Lyon’s region – have published a joined press release, on Monday January the 25th, to

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Made in France Imams and International Backlash to Macron’s bill on Islamic Separatism

Since the announcement of the controversial bill on “Islamic separatism”, the debate has been raging, while major issues both domestic and international have repeatedly come to the fore. A (re)structuration of French Islam The regulation of French Islam is a recurring leitmotiv for Emmanuel Macron since his election in 2017. The awful decapitation of the

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In the Eye of the Storm: The Dilemma of Muslim Humanitarian NGOs in France

The following paragraphs summarize the article written by Lucas Faure in The Conversation France:  URL: The new bill of President Macron to fight against Islamic separatism, will be submitted to the Parliament in December 2020. However it has already impacted many Muslim organizations suspected of separatism and threatened of dissolution by the Minister of Interior.

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