Visit of French Minister of Foreign Affairs in Qatar, Bahrain, …

At every stage of the visit of French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dominique De Villepin, to each of Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, the question about the law France is intending to adopt in order to ban the religious symbols, including headscarves in schools and the workplace was raised. Some people in the

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Demonstration in Jordan

Around 60 people, most of them veiled female students, demonstrated Monday outside the French embassy in Jordan to protest against France’s move to ban Islamic headscarves in state schools.

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A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim’s opinion

A leading Lebanese Shi’ite Muslim hit out Friday at the Cairo-based Sunni leadership over its support for France’s decision to ban girls wearing the Islamic headscarf in public schools.

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Headscarf and French Civil Servant

A court has ruled that a French civil servant who wore an Islamic headscarf on the job committed a “particularly serious offense” and may face disciplinary action because she violated the separation of church and state. Nadjet ben Abdallah, a 33-year-old work inspector in the central city of Lyon, had argued that a disciplinary committee’s

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European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective

Sorbonne: Salle Louis Liard 17 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective NOCRIME CONFERENCE – Organized with the Sponsorship of the European Commission (DG Research) MONDAY, JUNE 30, 2003 I. Modes of Interaction in Non-Muslim Societies President Patrick Michel CNRS/CERI, EHESS, France Discussant: Tuula Sakaranaho University

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