L’italie Se Dote D’un Conseil Consultatif Du Culte Musulman

Italy convened a Muslim Advisory Council in order to “solve the problems of integration” and to constitute a “Italian Islam”. Minister of Interior, Giuseppe Pisanu said that, “in a country where Islam is the second religion and where 35 % of the immigrants are Moslem, it was necessary to establish a suitable form of dialogue”.

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Islam/Shaari: Pisanu Dica Con; Chi Vuol Parlare Di Integrazione; “Dibattito Su Integrazione In Italia Iniziato Tardi E Male”

The debate on integration of Muslims in Italy is far behind and has begun on the wrong foot, in part because before speaking about concrete proposals it is necessary to know who at least will take part in dialogue, president of the Muslim foundation, Abdel Hamid Shaari, comments. Initiatives should be taken from the British

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