“Les Musulmans en Europe et les defis de l’enseignement Islamique”

L’Union européenne, avec ses 27 États, s’étend désormais aux pays de l’Europe de l’Est qui entretiennent une relation avec l’islam et sa civilisation ancrée dans l’histoire. De ce fait, le nombre de musulmans en Europe – près de 50 millions aujourd’hui – s’est considérablement accru, avec son lot de fantasmes sur la “possible islamisation” du

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Living Apart Together

Policy Exchange has released Living Apart Together: British Muslims and the paradox of multiculturalism, a major new survey of the attitudes of Muslims in Britain and the reasons behind the rapid rise in Islamic fundamentalism amongst the younger generation. The research finds that there is a growing religiosity amongst the younger generation of Muslims and

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Hizb ut-Tahrir, a Muslim political party, accused Tony Blair of trying to censor Muslims

The decision by the UK government in august to ban the party along with the group Al Mouhadjiroun was declared an attempt to eliminate political opinions in the Muslim community by Imran Waheed, the leader of the party in Great Britain. The calls came at a meeting of 800 people in London. The group promised

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