Pegida in London: British supporters of anti-‘Islamisation’ group rally in Downing Street

The British offshoot of German anti-“Islamisation” group Pegida held its first protest in London this afternoon, marching to Downing Street. Pegida UK said the rally intended to “raise awareness of the detrimental affect radical Islam and slack border controls/mass immigration are having on our country”. Fewer than 100 supporters waving the Union Flag and St

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Pegida march in Edinburgh falters after only ‘4 supporters’ showed up

Pegida’s first demonstration in Scotland appears to have flopped, with unconfirmed reports from the police that only four supporters turned out. The right wing anti-islam umbrella group, which originated in Germany, had planned a march and demonstration in Edinburgh on Saturday.  Supports of Pegida were set to march from Edinburgh’s Waverley Station to a rally outside

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A judge issues the first condemnation for Islamophobia in Catalonia

March 5, 2014   The Judge of a Barcelona Court, ​​María Pilar Calvo, has condemned Jaime T., the website administrator of “”, to two years in prison for inciting hate and violence against Islam and for disseminating anti-Islamic beliefs. The condemnation is the first Islamophobia related condemnation in Catalonia., which has received at least

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Quran Burning Advocate, Geert Wilders, Europe’s Anti-Islamist Heads to Ground Zero

On September 11, Geert Wilders, the contentious Dutch politician who likened the Koran to Mein Kampf, spoke in New York on the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. He delivered a message, forewarning about the dangers of Islam and the building of a “ground-zero mega-mosque.” Under the threat of death

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Study reveals impact of immigration on UK faiths

According to a forthcoming report, the past decade has seen a net increase of 275,000 in the number of Muslims who were born in Pakistan or Bangladesh but are now living in Britain. – the equivalent to twice the population of Oxford. The number of Somali-born UK residents has also risen sharply, from fewer than

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