Jewish community speaks out against Sarcelles attack

France’s Jewish community firmly condemned the anti-Semitic attack in Sarcelles on an 8-year-old boy wearing a kippa. The act’s anti-Semitic nature was clear to René Taïeb, president of the Union of Jewish communities of Val-d’Oise. “It’s terrible that one can attack a child as a result of prejudice,” he said. “If one can no longer

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Politicians speak out against attack on Jewish boy in Sarcelles

An 8-year-old Jewish boy wearing a kippa was attacked by two teenagers in Val d’Oise near the “Little Jerusalem” quarter of Sarcelles. The child was repeatedly kicked by two 15- year-olds, who then fled. His parents have decided to press charges. Two days after the attack, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe denounced “a new, violent and

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Exhibitions in Berlin emphasise past and present interrelations of the three Abrahamic faiths

Germany, like many locales, is currently undergoing processes of societal boundary drawing giving renewed salience to religious difference. The aftermath of President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the Israeli capital brought fierce debates about the (real or imputed) anti-Semitism of Muslim immigrants and their descendants. The result was a further instance of the discursive

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Insults and attacks: Muslim students from Berlin experience Islamophobia on Holocaust memorial trip

Anti-Semitic prejudice amongst Muslim youth has become an issue of growing concern in Germany. Schools, while at times being the site of anti-Semitic hatred,1 have reacted by expanding educational opportunities aiming to combat the hostility to Jews exhibited by some of their students. Grass-roots project combating anti-Semitism The Theodor-Heuss comprehensive in Berlin has mounted one

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French authorities accused of covering up Jew’s slaying by Muslim neighbor

A European Parliament member and prominent French intellectuals protested the omission of anti-Semitism from a draft indictment of a Muslim for the murder of his Jewish neighbor. Frédérique Ries, a lawmaker from Belgium, on Thursday criticized French authorities’ handling of the investigation into the April 4 incident, in which Sarah Halimi was tortured and thrown

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