Streetwork against Salafism: German civil society counter-radicalisation activism

In recent years, civil society-led efforts to prevent Muslim youths’ turn to Salafism have intensified. Often described in terms of ‘preventing violent extremism’ (PVE) or ‘preventing radicalisation’, many of these projects have attracted generous funding by state agencies. Germany is perhaps the paradigmatic case of this development: through successive government funding initiatives, the country has

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Qantara op-ed: Cutting suras to suit

At the end of April, the French daily Le Parisien published a manifesto on what is being referred to as ‘new anti-Semitism’. About 300 renowned personalities from the most diverse sections of society signed the appeal, including among others former President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls. Essentially, the term ‘new anti-Semitism’ is taken to

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IS and its media: Calling all suicide bombers

The media is playing its part in today’s horror as “Islamic State” showcases its terrorists in magazines, videos and on the Internet to recruit new members. Joseph Croitoru examines how IS strategy has developed and evolved The radio station operated by the terrorist militia “Islamic State”, which has been broadcasting regularly for the past few

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Birmingham mosque teachers jailed for Koran boy beating

Two Islamic school teachers who beat a 10-year-old boy with a stick for reciting the Koran incorrectly have been jailed for a year. Mohammed Siddique, 60, and his son Mohammed Waqar, 24, admitted willful cruelty to a child under 16. The four attacks took place at the Jamia Mosque in Sparkbrook, Birmingham, between May and

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Can Islamic Theology argue against violence in the name of Islam? Yes.

Does Islamic theology have the argumentative resources to counter the claim that violence perpetrated in the name of Islam is covered by verses from the Koran? Yes, says the Islam expert Katajun Amirpur, pointing to an open letter from Muslim scholars.

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