Dutch Liberals Call to Stop Funding “Anti-Integration Activities”

15 November 2011 The ruling Liberal Party (VVD) of the Netherlands has requested that its home affairs minister stop granting funds to initiatives which ‘get in the way of integration’, such as organizations which offer separate swimming lessons for women. Single-sex activities, organizations which “oppose homosexual rights” or whose “activities conflict with democracy” should no

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Public school holds mothers-only meetings in consideration for Muslim mothers

Thursday February 4th a public school in Copenhagen held a parents’ meeting on bullying. Fathers were excluded from the meeting in an attempt to get more Muslim mothers to attend the meeting, who show low participation in parent meetings, according to a school leader. The mothers-only meeting is dividing politicians across the political spectrum. The

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Canadian liberal leader Michael Ignatieff notes the Eid celebration

The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Michael Ignatieff, spoke to the large gathering of Muslims on Sunday, September 20, 2009, at the CNE Direct Energy Centre in Toronto and extended Eid greetings on behalf of his party: “As you gather with your family and friends to mark the end of Ramadan, please accept

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Sweden: Government considers imam training

The Swedish government is to set up an inquiry to look into the possibility of using state funds to help provide training for imams. According to Lars Leijonborg, the Minister for Higher Education and Research, Muslim representatives should be able to benefit from Swedish tax kronor in the same way that Christian priests and ministers

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