Al Andalus 2.0. La ciber-yihad contra España

This work analyzes the explosive combination of terrorism, new information technologies and historical grievances. The recovery of Islamic rule on the Iberian Peninsula remains an essential objective for Al Qaeda and their allies. The radicals found in the Internet an opportunity to enhance and reinterpret in harsh terms the myth of a paradise taken away

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Young man arrested for praising Jihad online

December 23, 2013   The Madrid XL Group of the Provincial Information Brigade, which specializes in Islamic Terrorism, has arrested a 24-year Spanish man and convert to Islam at his home of Entrevias (Puente de Vallecas). He is charged with an offense of glorifying terrorism and the Jihad and the case is in the hands

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Radical Islam in Spain: Summary of the Real Instituto Elcano Report

November 18, 2013   1) Seven out of ten Spanish jihadists become radicalized in Spain (homegrown terrorists). 2) They are concentrated in Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia and Ceuta. 3) It takes four to five years to become terrorists. How are jihadist terrorists radicalized in Spain ? How long does it take them ? Where does this

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Celebration of the Idu Al-Fitr in the Central Mosque of Madrid

08 August 2013   More than 3,000 Muslims have come to the Central Mosque of  Madrid to celebrate the Idu Al-Fitr. The mosque was completely packed by the faithful who have come early in the morning to participate in the religious ceremony.  

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Muslims accuse the city of Vila of racism for not having a place to pray

25 July 2013   The Muslims of Vila accused yesterday the City Hall of aplying  ‘racist’ policies against the Islamic collective for “ideological reasons” assured the president of the Islamic Community Ibiza-Maghreb, Redouan Elkharrim. The conflict arises because, according to Elkharrim, they have no sufficient conditions for prayer during the month of Ramadan.  The representative

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