Muslim students want a space to pray

The Muslim Student Organization at the University of Bergen are asking for a space to do salat. According to National Television the University has been positive in its response.

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Barelwi mosque in Oslo rejects accusations of promoting radical Islam

Syed Ali Bukhari, Imam at the Jamaat Ahle Sunnat mosque in Oslo has accused leaders of the Barelwi mosque “Aisha” of trying to attract young men in order to radicalize them. Bukhari says representatives of the Tabliqi-movement running the mosque express a Wahhabi inspired Islam and support terrorism in the name of Islam. Members of

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Norway’s Muslim congregations grow

The Christian newspaper Vårt land (Our Country) reports that 30 new Muslim congregations have been registered in Norway in the last five years, a 37 percent increase. During that same time, Muslim populations in Norway have reportedly increased 15 percent. Kari Vogt, Associate Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Oslo, says

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