Tensions erupt between Moroccans and Moluccans in Culemborg, Netherlands

A series of confrontations have erupted in recent weeks between Moroccan and Mollucan communities in the central Netherlands town of Culemborg. Conflict between youths of the two communities began on New Years Eve and have continued, with police making several arrest, erecting physical barriers between the communities, and banning public gatherings of over three people

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Mosque shooting in Malmoe, Sweden

The mosque at Islamic Center in Malmoe, Sweden was subject to a shooting on New Years Eve. Someone shot through a window into a room with a handful of people. No one was hit, but one imam was injured by shattered glass from the window. Bejzat Becirov, founder and vice president of Islamic Center, believes

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Dutch drop case against 3 suspected of attack plan

Dutch prosecutors closed a case against three men arrested in New Years Eve, on suspicion of planning an imminent attack. The reason given was that there was no evidence against them. Police arrested three men after the intelligence said the suspects – Two Moroccan men and one Sudanese man, were about to carry out an

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