France Deports Algerian Imam For Anti-Women Statements

Paris (AFP) – Wegen islamisch-fundamentalistischer und frauenfeindlicher _u_erungen schiebt Frankreich einen algerischen Imam ab. Wie die Profektur in Lyon mitteilte, wurde der Vorbeter Abdelkader Bouziane am Dienstagmorgen festgenommen. Nach Angaben seines Anwaltes sollte der Imam noch am Nachmittag mit einem Linienflug von Lyon nach Algerien gebracht werden. Der Pariser Staatsrat als h_chstes franz_sisches Verwaltungsgericht hatte

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French Muslims Show National Unity Over Hostage Crisis

By Hadi Yahmid PARIS, September 4 ( – The third day of school term went smoothly Saturday, September 4, as Muslim students maintained compliance with the hijab ban in a show of national unity over the two French hostages in Iraq. Upon a field visit by correspondent, most of Muslim students have removed hijab

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French Court Quashes Imam Deportation

By Hadi Yahmid PARIS, April 27 ( – A French court quashed Monday, April 26, a government decision to deport an Imam to his native Algeria for statements seen by the secular country as violence-inciting. “The ruling has done justice to Imam Abdelkader Bouziane, given the expulsion was neither convincing nor justifiable,” his lawyer Mahmmoud

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Hijab and Fashion Statements in Paris

Kenza Refsi, 18, furtively breaks away from a cluster of friends near her high school and with a shy smile that exposes her braces, she agrees to discuss why her teachers won’t let her dress the way she wants. It’s not that she wants to wear a thong with low-riding pants, or a nose ring,

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Islam, Citizenship and European Integration

École de Médecine 15, rue de l’École de Méde cine, 75006 Paris A Roundtable By The Network On Comparative Research On Islam and Muslims In Europe (NOCRIME) Organized with the Sponsorship of the European Commission (DG Research) Keynote address by Jocelyne Cesari Key question addressed: do Muslims Create and Organize their Communities in Ways that

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