Scholars call for international law to against religious insults

The re-publication of the Prophet cartoons by seventeen Danish newspapers last week was denounced by Muslims the world over. The controversy is not one of press freedom, but rather it feeds cycles of hatred and ignorance which only increase the gulfs between religions, according to the Prime Minister, Dr. Ali Mohammed Mujawr, in a support

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Sweden: Swedish Muslims localize cartoon crisis

Swedish Muslims have no intention of internationalizing a new crisis involving an offensive drawing of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). STOCKHOLM – Swedish Muslims have no intention of internationalizing a new crisis involving an offensive drawing of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), opting for a series of peaceful protests at home. “Swedish Muslims don’t

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Italian PM Condemns Danish Cartoons

ROME: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi sought on Wednesday to distance Italy from Muslim outrage over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) by condemning the images, after anti-Italian rallies in Libya left 11 dead. Satire must not be disrespectful, he told the Arabic satellite television channel Al-Jazeera in an interview to be broadcast later Wednesday.

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