Norwegian Secret Police Publish Annual Threat Assessment

28 February 2011 Monday 28 of February the Norwegian Secret Police (PST) published their annual threat assessment. Amongst the general findings, some relate to Islam and Muslims in Norway: Even though few individuals in Norway support extreme Islamism, currently there is activity in certain communities which can contribute to a heightening of the threat situation

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Caricature of Muhammad was published on Norwegian Secret Police’s Facebook Page

Someone has published one of the infamous caricatures – this one showing the Prophet Muhammad as a pig – on the Norwegian Secret Police (PST) Facebook page. Trond Hugubakken, spokes person for PST, says this is the act of one individual, not of the PST as such.

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Controversial Muslim leader Mulla Krekar attacked

Controversial Muslim leader Mulla Krekar was attacked this week. Shots rang through a window to Krekar’s appartment in Oslo, injuring his son-in-law in the arm. Mulla Krekar, or Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, is an Iraqi Kurd and has been living in Norway since 1991. He has not been granted Norwegian citizenship. Krekar is known as one

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Norway: Oslo mosque boosts security measures

The World Islamic Mission’s mosque in Oslo boosted security measures after someone left a pig’s head and Nazi flag inside the mosque’s entrance during Friday prayer services. It’s clear that someone has done this to provoke us said Jehangr Bahadur, chairman of the World Islamic Mission. Bahadur said that the mosque has also received racist

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Norway: Muslims feel watched

Muslims in Norway feel they’re being watched by the authorities as suspected terrorists. “Many Muslims feel that the threshold for being watched have been lowered. Ordinary people watch what they say on the telephone or what they write in email,” says Mohammad Usman Rana of the Muslim student society to NRK.They fear that the telephones

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