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The Dutch right wing’s use of social media to spread anti-Islam rhetoric

Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing Party for Freedom in the Netherlands (Partij voor de Vrijheid in Dutch, or PVV), shared a video clip on Twitter earlier this month attacking Islam and its traditions. In the video, released on 12 April – coinciding with the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan – the

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Le Pen wants collaborate with Geert Wilders

Le Monde   15.09.2013   In a recent interview with the Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, Marine Le Pen, the leader of the right-wing party Front Nationale (FN), expressed her wish to collaborate with the Dutch right-wing party, Freedom Party (PVV), led by Geert Wilders, for the upcoming European election campaign. Le Pen intents to shows

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Normalization of the extreme-right in France

Le Monde 06.02.2013 A new joint survey published by France Info, Le Monde and Canal Plus illustrates the normalisation of the Front national (FN) amongst the French. The study conducted by TNS Sofres exemplifies the change of perception about the French right-wing party over a period of 30 years in France. The poll reveals that

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Krekar approves the decision of being detained for another eight weeks

It was reported last Wednesday that Mulla Krekar’s detention had been extended for another eight weeks. He accepts the decision made by the District Court in Oslo, which also informed the public that his case will be decided in a minor court hearing. Krekar’s defendant Arvis Sjöding informed the Aftonposten (Evening Newspapers) that Krekar understood

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The Spanish Parliament refuses to ban the “burqa”

The Spanish Parliament has rejected a motion to ban the burqa and niqab in public places. The motion was presented by the right-wing party (Partido Popular), with the support of CIU (Convergencia i Unió), a Catalan, right-wing, nationalist party.

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