Sentenced for a blog article about Muslims

4 April 2012 A former leading member of the Swedish Democrats – SD (an extreme right party with 20 seats in the Swedish Parliament) from Örebro was sentenced for “incitement to hate”. The sentence is based on a blog article which he wrote two years ago about Somali and Muslim immigrants. He wrote, among other

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Swedish far right populist takes a stand against the spread of Islam

Kent Ekeroth, international secretary of the far right Populist Party the Swedish Democrats (SD) said in an interview in Swedish Public Radio that SD could be described as an “Islam critic” party, working against the spread of Islam in Europe and Sweden, as well as against the building of mosques and especially mosques with minarets.

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Sweden’s got the “Stockholm Syndrome”?

Sunday January 31 the right-wing populist party Sverigedemokraterna (SD) hosted a conference in Stockholm entitled “Non-Muslims under Islam”. Helsingborgs dagblad (independent) published a report from the conference. First speaker, out of three, was Christian-Sudanese Kuel Jok, who presented a set of personal pictures from Sudan while talking about Muslim aggressions towards Christians in the country.

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