Ethnic statistics find an opening

The use of an ethnic-racial reference is becoming a possible prospect in France, with the intent of studying the trajectories of immigrants, the children of immigrants, and their degrees of inclusion and discriminations they may face. Introduced in May by the Demographic National Institute, the objective to ask questions and seek answers about demographic grown

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Netherlands has less Muslims than previously thought

Muslims make up five percent of the Dutch population, less than previously thought, official figures showed Wednesday. The new figures show the Netherlands has some 850,000 Muslims. Earlier figures had put the number at 5.8 percent of the population in 2004. The largest group of Muslims are people of Turkish descent, who make up 38

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Denmark: Evading the 24 year law

By Jesper Termansen Eyvind Vesselbo, member of the Liberals, statistician and culture sociologist, wants to investigate new totals that show that especially Turks and Pakistanis slip through the 24 year law and the requirement for a connection to Denmark. Resident Turks and Pakistanis have found a loophole to come to Denmark without needing to abide

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Top Babies names: Muhammad climbed 12 places to number 44

2,833 boys were given the name Mohammed in the UK in 2006, and 1,422 were named Muhammad. The name of the prophet has superseded names such as George or Joseph. Mohammed is the 22nd most popular name and Muhammad the 44th, according to the Office for National Statistics:].

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EU Report: Muslims Face ‘Islamophobia’

Muslims across Europe are confronting a rise in “Islamophobia” ranging from violent attacks to discrimination in job and housing markets, a wide-ranging European Union report indicated Monday. The study, compiled by the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia, urged European authorities to strengthen policies on integration. But it also noted that Muslims need to

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