Two new British film comedies dare to poke fun at religion

Two British films are coming out in April and May, both of which dare to approach religion with a comic touch. They will, of course, be castigated by the uncompromisingly religious, the usual suspects who believe that faith can never be a laughing matter and revel in demonstrating their beliefs through the medium of a

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Two British Muslims convicted of links to terrorist group al-Qaeda

Two British Muslims have been convicted of links to terrorist group al-Qaeda: Taxi driver Habib Ahmed, 29, was caught in possession of two diaries which had details of top al-Qaeda operatives written in invisible ink – described in court as a terrorist’s contact book. The diaries were given to him by co-defendant Rangzieb Ahmed, 33,

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East London Muslims Caged Guantanamo-Style

Two British Muslims are being locked-up in a cage, chained and hooded for 6 days and nights without basic amenities and comfort in a busy traffic junction corner on the Whitechapel Road (East London). Hidden Detainees, the organisers behind the event, hope to recreate the barbaric conditions of the Guantanamo Bay (Camp X-Ray) camp in

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