The large mosques of Paris and Lyon solidify their participation with the CFCM

Representatives from the Mosque of Paris and the Mosque of Lyon have solidified their relationship with the French Councill of the Muslim Faith (CFCM or the Conseil français du culte musulman). Among the 17 person executive council, there are two representatives from both mosques. Representatives from the Mosque of Paris, which itself represents a largely Algerian-origin membership and from the Mosque of Lyon, had previously expressed concern about ties between the CFCM and Moroccan interests.

The CFCM was founded in 2003 and elected its first president, Dalil Boubakeur, from the Mosque of Paris. Boubakeur served as president until June 2008 when he was replaced by Mohammed Moussaoui, a representative of the RMF (the Rally of French Muslims or the Rassemblement des musulmans de France), a Moroccan-majority group, with 43 percent of the vote. Both the Mosque of Paris and that of Lyon had protested against the CFCM’s voting methods at that time.

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