Survey of Moroccans in Europe

The CCME, BVA present a recent study of Morrocans residing in six European countries with the largest Moroccan immigrant communities. The study illuminates the perceptions and attitudes of the diverse communities of Moroccans in Europe in relation to their sociocultural lives and the relationship between the countries in which they reside and their country of origin. Conducted between March and April 2009, the survey gathered data from 3000 individuals between the ages of 18 and 65.

The results of the study are significant on multiple fronts. Respondents indicated a willingness to be integrated within the European countries to which they migrated, while also expressing a solid attachment to sociocultural links with Morocco. On the whole, respondents indicated positive perceptions of their country of origin, although some individuals expressed criticisms against Morocco on grounds of women’s and human rights. Finally, respondents indicated perceptions of discrimination and inequality in relation to the willingness of European society to approve and accept their integration in social and cultural life.

The findings are presented by country in native languages for France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany.

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