Rise in Muslim Extremism in Tower Hamlets

13.05.2011 Daily Mail – Following a rise in homophobic attacks and an increase in the number of extremist Muslim preachers in Tower Hamlets, the East London borough is more and more concerned about hardline Muslims imposing their values on others in the borough. Recently, it was reported that Islamic extremists, operating from Tower Hamlets and

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Muslim Extremists Accused of Obscuring Bikini Advert

13.05.2011 In the Balsall Heath area of Birmingham, an advertisement for bikinis by the high-street retailer H&M, showing a bikini model on a beach, has been blacked out with spray paint. More specifically, the body and the face of model have been covered up with black paint. As the area has a large population, local

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Central Council of Jews in Germany Calls for more Tolerance towards Muslims

11.05.2011 The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Dieter Graumann, called for more religious tolerance towards Islam in Germany. Graumann argued it was wrong to treat all Muslims as members of a suspect community, as the large majority was living peacefully with people of different faiths. According to Graumann, the idea of

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Islamist Army Lieutenant Declared a Security Risk

A Swiss army lieutenant has been declared a security risk by the Swiss federal constitutional court and has decided that he should be kept away from all confidential information. Gibril Muhammad Zwicker converted to Islam three years ago and has since become a member of the controversial Central Islamic Council of Switzerland (IZRS). Zwicker has

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Swiss Youth and their Faith(s)

A recent study by Christopher Morgenthaler of Bern University on the relationship between Swiss youth and religion has shown that religion remains an important part of their lives: 40% characterize themselves as a “religious person,” somewhat higher than in France (35%), the UK (32%), or Germany (32%), though far behind Italy (84%). More surprisingly, the

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