Differences in Educational Performances between Faiths

Based on figures by UK National Statistics, the Telegraph reports that Hindu, Sikh and Muslim teenagers are more likely to go to university than their Christian or atheist counterparts. A study conducted for the Department of Education found that 77% of Hindu and 63% of Sikh teenagers go on to higher education, compared to 53%

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Jihad Against Violence: An Initiative by British Muslim Women

19.07.2011 Topics that dominate the representation of Muslims in the British media today are “women” and “extremism”. As Qantara reports, though, Sara Khan, Director of Inspire, and award-winning British Muslim consultancy, claims that “Muslim women feel that these topics are inadequately addressed by Muslims themselves”. Therefore, two British organizations have decided to take action against

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August 1st: Beginning of Ramadan

22.07.2011 The Koordinationsrat der Muslime (KRM), the Muslim umbrella organization in Germany, which unites Germany’s four largest Muslim organizations, announced last week that Ramadan, the month of fasting, begins on August 1st and ends on August 29th. Then, on August 30th, Muslims will celebrate the Idul Fitr , the end of Ramadan. Aiman Mazyek, the

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Pope to Meet Muslims While Visiting Germany

20.07.2011 The Vatican announced that Pope Benedikt XVI. is planning on meeting with Muslim and Jewish communities while visiting Germany in September this year. These meetings are especially important to the Pope: Meeting representatives of Germany’s Jewish community is meaningful against the backdrop of the killing of Jews during the Nazi regime; reaching out to

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New Book on the History of Germany’s Islamist Scene

22.07.2011 In his book “Eine Moschee in Deutschland” (A mosque in Germany), which is based on research conducted for a TV documentary on the rise of political Islam in the West, historian Stefan Meinig offers an analysis of the emergence of political Islam in Germany. Meinig traces the rise of Islamist networks in Germany back

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