FBI, Muslims report progress over training materials

FBI officials say they are willing to consider a proposal from a coalition of Muslim and interfaith groups to establish a committee of experts to review materials used in FBI anti-terrorism training. The coalition raised the idea during a Feb 8 meeting with FBI Director Robert Mueller, who met with the groups to discuss pamphlets,

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2 Libyan-Americans from Oregon now being allowed to return to US after unexplained delays

PORTLAND, Ore. — Two Libyan-Americans from the Portland, Ore., area who were denied re-entry to the United States from Libya have been granted permission to return home, although one man’s return has been delayed. The two men — Jamal Tarhuni, 55, and Mustafa Elogbi, 60 — traveled separately to Libya last year after the revolution

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Britain Releases Radical Cleric Abu Qatada

13./14./15.02.2012 Last Monday, Abu Qatada, a radical Muslim cleric accused of being an al-Qaeda terrorist (and, what is more, figurehead) and who is thought to pose a serious risk to the UK’s national security, was released from jail after bail was granted by a London judge the week before. Qatata, who spent the last six-and-a-half

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British Museum: “Hajj: journey to the heart of Islam”

26.01.2012 The British Museum has opened its exhibition on the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every devout Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime. It is the final part of a series of three exhibitions over the last 18 months on the subject of faith. The major exhibition on the Hajj

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Muslim Minister: British to Embrace their Religion.

14./15.02.2012 Last week, religion has dominated an important discussion in the UK. Following a High Court rule banning prayers from formal council meetings, Conservative MP Baroness Warsi, Britain’s first female Muslim Cabinet minister, has urged the British people to embrace their (Christian) religion and to not let a “militant secularisation” take hold of British society.

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