Protest against the movie about the prophet unites Muslims

30 September 2012 The Islamic Commission ciffers the attendance of the manifestation at around 10,000 people while the local governement presents a number of 700 to 800 people. It was a quiet ride, while several protesters clamored for “respect”. The Muslims of the autonomous city came yesterday to the streets to show their opposition to

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Call to protest against the movie and the cartoon that offend the Prophet Mohammed

24 September 2012   The Islamic Commission of Melilla (CIM) has called for a demonstration on Saturday to protest against the movie and the cartoons that offend the Prophet Muhammad. The protest, which will leave at 18.00 from the Central Mosque to the Plaza of Spain, will be supported by the main opposition party in

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UK is to extradite Muslim suspects to the US

25 September 2012   After a long legal battle the UK is finally preparing to extradite five Muslims who are deemed to be extremists by the British authorities, including Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri and Babar Ahmad, to the United States.  The Grand Chamber of The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that they

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Backlash for the anti-Islamic movie grows as Muslim organizations call for blasphemy law

25 September 2012   On the 19th of September 2012, around 100 leading Muslim scholars, spiritual leaders and representatives of major Muslim organizations gathered in Birmingham, “in response to the vilification of Islam by the outrageous film ‘Innocence of Muslims’”. In the gathering, a body called The Muslim Action Forum (MAF) formed to take united

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Montreal Muslims respond to Anti-Islam film

CTV News – September 16, 2012   As turmoil spreads across the Middle East, Ottawa closed embassies in Libya, Egypt and Sudan for the day, citing growing protests over an anti-Islam film. The move came after four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, was killed in an attack last week. In Montreal, leaders in

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