France “has never faced such a threat,” says Manuel Valls

“We cannot become habituated to violence, to barbarity, to death,” said Prime Minister Maneul Valls, regarding the attack. Stating that that investigation is ongoing, Valls did not provide details about Salhi’s potential accomplices or how the suspect was radicalized.

The prime minister paid his respects to the victim, as well as those in Sousse and Kuwait, which all occurred the same day. “The fight against terrorism has no limits,” he affirmed.

According to Valls, the terror threat in France is long-term. A long war against “Daech, its entire ideology and its branches who wish to impose their ideology everywhere.”

The war on terror is not about defending “Western” values but “humanist” ones, the prime minister insisted. How to fight it? Mostly by human means, highlighted Valls, defending government action: two anti-terror laws since 2012, 30,000 police officers, gendarmes and soldiers charged with protecting 5,000 sites, 1,830 additional posts being created, 930 of which are intelligence positions.

However, he admitted that France “has never face such a threat,” because the enemy is also from within, referring to those “known to be in contact with jihadist networks,” leaving for Syria, and returning to French territory.

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