Youths of non-western descent still more often unemployed

Youths from non-western backgrounds are strikingly more often unemployed than youths from Dutch descent. In 2015 8,8 % of native youths were unemployed as opposed to 21,5 % of youths with a non-western background. These and more statistics were bundled in a new factsheet on youth unemployment between 2010 and 2015 published by the Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving / KIS (English: Knowledge Platform Integration & Society).

The percentages of unemployment are mostly higher for Dutch youths with a Moroccan, Turkish, Surinam, Antillean, and Aruban background. This is also the case for youths that fell in the category “other non-western.” This last group showed a striking increase of unemployment in the first half of 2015, against the trend. The category “other non-wester” alludes to south from Africa (except for Morocco), Mid and South-America (except for Surinam and the Antilles), and Asia (except for Turkey, Indonesia, and Japan).

The high amount of unemployment is explained amongst other things by: the fact that youths from a non-western background on average have a lower degree of education, they have less opportunities for networking, they more often experience discrimination, and they acquire less working experience and labor market skills during their studies.

More details can be found in the KIS factsheet:

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