Al Hoda, the first mosque of Cadiz

19 January 2013 The Moroccan community of Cadiz  now has a place for prayer and meeting, plus a religious school for the whole Muslim society. Al Hoda, which translated means” Straight Path ‘, is the name of the first mosque recently opened in the Cadiz; an aspiration for both, Lahcen and Hakim, president and secretary

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French town responds to Muslim burial needs

15 January 2013   Despite Islam being the second largest religion in France, rural France continues to fail to accommodate the Muslim dead. While urban areas often have cemeteries or sections of such specifically allocated to Muslims, French villages in most cases do not. With the rise of France’s Muslims population, the need for Muslim

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U.S. mosques struggle with shortage of imams

SPOKANE, Wash. (RNS) The Spokane Islamic Center wants something mosques all across the country are seeking and can’t seem to find: an educated, bilingual, experienced imam who understands American culture. The Spokane Islamic Center wants something mosques all across the country are seeking and can’t seem to find: an educated, bilingual, experienced imam who understands

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Beginning of the construction of the Salt Mosque

08 January 2013 The works of the future great mosque in Salt, in the Torre Mirona industrial polygon, have already begun. The mosque will seat 750 people and will consist of two floors, plus an underground floor. The construction of the mosque is promoted by the two Muslim entities implanted in Salt: We are Maghrebi

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Tarragona wants the new religious centers to be transferred into the industrial areas

10 January 2013 Tarragona City Council will make a priority to transfer the new centers of worship into the outskirts of the city. This was confirmed by Councilman of Urbanisme Carles Castillo who argued that the will of the local executive is “to not disturb the neighbors.” Therefore, he said the first option is that

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