Islamic Secondary School in Rotterdam to Close

10 September 2013 Ibn Ghaldoun School, the Rotterdam secondary school which was the focus of an exam theft earlier this year, is to lose its government funding and close down. According to Sander Dekker, the Netherlands’ Junior Education Minister, the closure is based on a recommendation from school inspectors. The school has financial difficulties, and

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Widows Abroad Entitled to Dutch Pension

22 August 2013   An Amsterdam court has decided that widows abroad, who hold a Dutch surviving  relative pension, may not have their benefits removed. The decision concluded a case brought to court by eleven Moroccan and Turkish widows whose benefits as surviving widows were curtailed considerably because they moved abroad.   On 1 January

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Celebrating Ramadan in Friesland

8 August 2013 Muslims in the Netherlands celebrated of Eid al-Fitr and the end of Ramadan on 8 August 2013. To mark the event NL Times carries a profile of one man’s celebrations in the Netherlands. Youssef Nashmi is a 30 year old Syrian man living with his family in the province of Friesland. Nashmi’s

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Muslim Campaigners for Gay Rights Join Minister for Amsterdam Parade

30 July 2013   Campaigners for gay rights within Muslim groups will join Amsterdam’s Emancipation Minister in the city’s Gay Parade. Invited passengers on Bussemaker’s boat include representatives of Turkish, Moroccan, Surinamese, Antillean and Hindustani consultative bodies and partnerships and support points for homosexual immigrant youths. Additionally, the Turkish Dutch homosexual activist Done Fil will

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Dutch Muslims Celebrate Ramadan 2013

July 11 2013   Dutch Muslims began celebration of Ramadan on July 10. The month coincides with summer holidays in the Netherlands, and many Muslims in the Netherlands spend Ramadan in their home countries. Those who spend Ramadan in the Netherlands attend social and cultural activities, including attending planned Iftar programs in local mosques. Major

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