German Interior Minister revives the debate on a ‘guiding culture’ to which Muslims must assimilate

  Periodically, the German discourse on immigration is marked by the resurgence of a distinctly German notion – the idea of a ‘guiding culture’ (Leitkultur), supposed to connote an essence of Germanness that needs to be safeguarded amidst what appear to be accelerating migratory flows. Leitkultur – history of a debate The term was first

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Debating potential Burka ban in Austria

July 10, 2014 Austrian foreign minister Sebastian Kurz is against a Burka ban in Austria. Kurz stresses that a ban of the Burka will not solve any of the challenges the Austrian community currently faces. The right wing party FPÖ spoke out in favour of a ban on the Burka.

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The Austrian Green parties debate on the burka

July 3, 2014 There are not many women in Austria who wear the burka. However, the Bundesrat of the Green party, Efgani Dönmez, advocated punishing women who wear the burka. For instance, mister Dönmez asked the government to cut down social benefits in those Muslim families, in which women wear the burka. Not only members of

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European Human Rights Court Upholds France’s Burqa Ban

July 1, 2014 On Tuesday, July 1 the European Court of Human Rights voted, by a large majority, to uphold France’s ban of the full veil. A young Frenchwoman challenged the law that was instituted in 2010 and which calls for a 150-euro fine for anyone wearing the full veil in public. The decision is

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Burka Avenger: the Pakistani cartoon challenging the Taliban on girls’ education – video trailer

Watch a trailer for Burka Avenger, the first animated series to be produced in Pakistan. The cartoon was created by local pop star Haroon and stars a burka-clad female superhero who takes on her enemies using a martial art called Takht Kabaddi, which uses books and pens as weapons. The series is intended to provide

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