Sweden: Swedish Muslim could set new headscarf precedent

Cherin Awad, known for her work on a controversial Swedish television program, may become the first practicing attorney in Sweden to wear a headscarf. Awad, a 23 year old woman recently gained notoriety for refusing to shake hands with Aftonbladet newspaper columnist Carl Hamilton in an episode of “Halal TV” which features three young Swedish…

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Geert Wilders to be prosecuted for inciting racial hatred

An Amsterdam appeals court has ordered the prosecution of Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders. The court alleges that Wilders’ film Fitna, in addition to various comments he has made about Islam, have “incited racial hatred and discrimination” against Dutch Muslims. This reverses last year’s decision by public prosecutors not to charge Wilders for his anti-Islam…

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Acquittals of Islamists raise security concerns in Spain

Spain’s National Court acquitted three Islamist extremists suspected of helping to finance al Qaeda. The acquittal is raising questions over the country’s law and judicial systems. Recently acquitted Imad Eddin Baraka Yarkas, known as Abu Dahdah, who is serving a 12 year sentence on a separate charge of having headed in al Qaeda cell in…

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Denmark: Professional groups slam headscarf ban

A government proposal to ban the wearing of headscarves by judges in the courtroom has received criticism from lawyers and human rights organizations, who believe the law is a direct insult to Muslim judges. The majority of parliament supports the proposal, following a debate on whether or not a headscarf in the workplace places religion…

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Britain grapples with role for Islamic justice

A Muslim woman requested an Islamic divorce on the grounds that her husband physically and emotionally abused her, and told her that he wanted her dead. Her husband was opposed to the divorce, and when an Islamic scholar adjudicating the case seemed opposed to the divorce, the wife brought in her father as a “secret…

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