Questions surround Islamic Chair position at Huron University College, affiliate of University of Western Ontario

The National Post: May 13, 2011 This article chronicles critics of a proposed Islamic Chair position at Huron University College, an affiliate of University of Western Ontario (UWO) Southern Ontario. Huron offers post-baccalaureate and professional degree programs in theology. The College recently accepted a $2-million endowment for a new Chair in Islamic Studies within the

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Panel on Teaching Islam in American Universities

NOTES FROM THE IIIT CONFERENCE ON APPROACHING THE QUR’AN AND SUNNAH #19 [/This is the nineteenth in a series of my notes on the International Institute of Islamic Thought conference on approaching the Qur’an and Sunnah held in Herndon, VA. These notes are raw material for an edited report I will write on the conference

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Muslim Intellectuals in Europe and Social Engagement

IIIT France will host its 7th Annual Conference about Islam and the Muslim world. The conference will bring together scholars of the humanities and social sciences, philosophers and theologians to stimulate academic debate, tackle contemporary issues, and offer comparative perspectives on the challenges faced by the Muslim world.

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