German Islamist Resurfaces by Video from Afghanistan

Eric Breininger has been one of Germany’s most-wanted men since he joined the Islamist Jihad Union terrorist organization. He’s now resurfaced in a video from Afghanistan. His message: He has no plans for an attack against Germany. German officials have been looking for the young man for months. It is a search that has spanned…

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    Report: Berlin fears German being groomed as suicide bomber

    Police fear that a convert, Eric B, 20, is being groomed by Jihadists to become the first German suicide bomber, according to the news magazine Der Spiegel on Saturday. German police had lost track of B several weeks ago in the wilds in or near Afghanistan, where he was in training with Islamic Jihad Union…

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      RVW De l’Allemagne profonde au ” djihad “

      Arr_t_s le 4 septembre, deux jeunes Allemands devenus musulmans et un Turc pr_paraient des attentats pour le compte d’un groupe sunnite extr_miste li_ _ Al-Qaida. Itin_raires Ulm (Bade-Wurtemberg), envoy_e sp_ciale C’est un itin_raire qui refl_te le nouveau visage pris par le terrorisme islamiste : celui d’un jeune Allemand, fils de m_decin et d’ing_nieur, qui se…

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