Norway: Muslim child placed with lesbian foster family

A Muslim mother reacted severely after her child was placed into the care of lesbian foster parents in Trondheim. The municipality states that they think they have handled things correctly. The child has many psychological problems, as do the parents of the child, who experienced torture in their homeland. Jorid Midtlyng of the municipal council

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Netherlands: Trouble with Moroccan criminal youth

In Utrecht mayor Annie Brouwer will set up a prohibition on gathering in a part of Kanaleiland-Noord. The situation is getting out of control according to a mayor spokesperson on “4 in het land” program. The program “4 in het land” spent several weeks investigating in Kanaleneiland-Noord after the municipality put up fences around a

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Rotterdam Revokes Minaret Exception

The municipality of Rotterdam will revoke the exception which allowed minarets to be built up to 30 to 40 meters high. It was determined by the Burghers that this was not an imposition on religious freedom and that religious buildings did not deserve a special waiver. {(continued below in Dutch)} De gemeente Rotterdam wil af

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