Documentary on Religious Wars

15./ 16.08.2011 Last week, the German television station “ZDF” aired the first of its five-part documentary on the history of religious wars with a special focus on Islam, entitled “Der Heilige Krieg” (Holy War). Motivated by the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, award-winning German journalist Guido Knopp, one of the key heads of the

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Sarrazin Earns Millions with Anti-Immigration Book

17 December 2010 Former Bundesbank board member Thilo Sarrazin has become a millionaire many times over thanks to the proceeds of his inflammatory book attacking Muslim immigrants. Sarrazin enraged politicians and the public this summer with the incendiary publication Deutschland schafft sich ab – Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen, or “Abolishing Germany –

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German Public TV Channel 2 starts Internet service for Muslims

The German Public TV Channel 2 (ZDF) started an Internet service for Muslims three months ago. Since then the Muslim Internet service “Forum am Freitag” (Friday Forum) has been accessed by more than 700.000 users.

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Uzbek masterminded bomb plot in Germany

The German federal police has identified an Uzbek man as one of the masterminds of a suspected plot to bomb a major US base and other targets in Germany, a report said on TuesdayThe man, Gofir Salimov, ordered Islamists to attack the US military airbase in Ramstein and US and Uzbek consulates in Germany, the

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