Official Declaration of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain and of the Islamic Commission of Spain on the last offenses to the Muslim religion
27 September 2012
We are still assisting to the free dissemination of offenses to the religious feelings, and as so we, the Spanish Muslim religious community, and especially our youth, have been surprised by the incorrect treatment made by the satirical weekly publication both on the cover and inside of its latest issue, not getting their intended humorous purpose.
The Union of Islamic Communities of Spain, Islamic Commission of Spain, will face the appropriate legal action to take, and will convey a message of respect for all believers of all faiths, rejection of public offenses against the religious sentiments of all our neighbors, and for a civilized and closed coexistence.
Madrid 27/09/2012.
Unión de Comunidades Islámicas de España,
Comisión Islámica de España