Moderate Islam Lands in Sicily
December 13, 2013
PALERMO – The Confederation of Italian Islam, a network of mosques founded two years ago by the Imam Wahid el Fihri, landed in Sicily today. An event is scheduled for Saturday, December 14 and will include a meeting with the Regional Federation of Sicily, who will join other regional leaders of the organization in the confederation. The confederation now represents more than 200 mosques throughout Italy.
El Fihri – “After founding the confederation in all regions of the north and center of Italy” explains Fihri “we now have members in the south of the country. After our visit to Campania, led by Abdullah Cozzolino over the weekend, we will start our event in Sicily.”
The Consulate of Morocco will also participate in the event, scheduled for the morning in Piazza Santa Chiara. The guest of the day will be the consulate of Morocco in Palermo, Sabri Ahmed, who will lead a welcome to his fellow citizens that are part of the Federation.
Corriere del Mezzogiorno: http://corrieredelmezzogiorno.corriere.it/palermo/notizie/cronaca/2013/13-dicembre-2013/islam-moderati-sbarca-sicilia-2223793158047.shtml
International Business Times: http://it.ibtimes.com/articles/60212/20131212/islam.htm