Racism on the rise in Britain

27th May 2014 The proportion of Britons who admit to being racially prejudiced has risen since the start of the millennium, raising concerns that growing hostility to immigrants and widespread Islamophobia are setting community relations back 20 years. New data from the authoritative British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey, shows that after years of increasing tolerance,

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‘People grab our veils, call us terrorists and want us dead’: What it’s really like to be a Muslim woman in Britain

6th May 2014 “It is something I have got used to since 9/11. From being called Osama Bin Laden to Paki-terrorist I have heard it all,” Zab Mustefa, a British Muslim journalist, who specialises in women’s rights and culture. “Either you’re with us. Or you’re with the terrorists,” announced the then president of the USA

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‘Anti-Semitic’ charity under investigation

24th May 2014 A leading Islamic charity is being investigated by the official watchdog amid allegations that its leaders promote anti-Semitism and have called for homosexuals and female adulterers to be stoned to death. The Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA), which claims it works with two major British charities, lists among its advisers two

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Ukip embroiled in new row over Islamophobia

15th May 2014 Ukip (UK Independence party) has become embroiled in yet another Islamophobia row after it emerged that one of its candidates has urged Catholics that they “must be ready to die” for their faith which is “the only countermeasure” to the “world domination” of Islam. The candidate John Kearney is standing in Basingstoke.

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Islamic radicalisation a ‘significant threat in prisons’

12th May 2014 The head of the prison and probation service has said there is a significant threat of Islamic radicalisation behind bars. Michael Spurr, the chief executive of the National Offender Management Service of England and Wales (Noms), told BBC1’s Panorama: “There is a significant risk, given the fact that we manage some very

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